I recently baked macarons for a very special young lady, Addison, my first granddaughter. I am so proud of the person that she is, so smart, kind and considerate. She has insight and compassion that most adults could only wish for. She is a shining star for anyone who knows her.

She recently had a birthday and now is a teenager. A month before her birthday she called and asked if I had the time to make macarons for her party. Of course, I was delighted to bake them for her. I asked which flavor she preferred and she requested the rosewater raspberry macarons.
Her infatuation with anything related to raspberries began a few years ago during a vacation to New Orleans. When we arrived in the city we ate lunch at Galatoire’s restaurant, she had raspberry sorbet for dessert. It was love at first bite. Every meal during that trip ended with raspberry sorbet. She has loved anything "raspberry" since.

The New Orleans trip included many wonderful meals, but the culinary highlight came at the Audubon Nature Institute. In the insectarium, we sampled several insect delicacies, including cinnamon bug crunch, crispy cajun crickets, and southwest waxworms. Pure culinary bliss?

The basic Italian meringue macaron recipe I use is found in the Bouchon Bakery Cookbook and has been discussed in a previous blog post, macarons for a wedding.

The rosewater flavored macaronage was piped into heart shapes for the special occasion.

Raspberry flavored Italian buttercream was prepared for the filling.

The rosewater raspberry macarons on a bed of dried rose petals. A special macaron presentation for a special young lady.
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