Baking macarons and Zen working meditation (samu) have in common the idea of being focused on the moment or the task at hand with total concentration while not being distracted by the world around you. This is a concept behind a working meditation, immersing oneself in whatever activity you are doing at that time. To produce the macaron that I imagine, all of my focus is on the process from the beginning to the end. In my medical practice, it allows me to care for one patients needs at a time, then the next, without becoming overwhelmed with time restraints and the constant clatter. When in a meditative state, the surgical procedure is completed with greater success, the macaronage develops to a slow lava flow, the macaron shells bake and rise with ease, and the flavors of the fillings develop the depth desired.

Zen and Macarons
one step at a time
concentration and silence
thoughts of those I love
Macarons are a blank palate for the pastry chef to express their creativity. The taste of the macaron shell base is very subtle and can accommodate any flavor that you can imagine. It is fun and exciting to envision different sweet flavor combinations and to experiment with savory seasonings.
Preparation for baking macarons begins with thinking about who I am preparing the macarons for, what is their favorite sweet or even savory taste, am I making the macarons for a special occasion, and does the macaron shell need to be piped into a special shape. Once that is thought out, what filling should I use? The filling possibilities include Italian, French, or Swiss buttercream or a ganache. Is there a possibility of adding a flavor to the macaron shell to balance or augment the taste without affecting the texture and the ability of the macarons shell to rise and develop feet?
The beauty of baking macarons is in sharing with friends and family. Here are a few of the macarons that I have had the privilege to share.
macarons for a wedding announcement party
#마카롱 #peppermintmacarons #unicornmacarons #marionblackberry #rosewaterraspberrymacaron #darkchocolateganache #macaron #macarons #strawberrymacarons #workingmeditation #samu #zenworkingmeditation #macaronsforawedding #macaronsforabirthday #macaronsforababyshower #macaronsforaweddingannouncementparty #mysignaturemacaron #lavendermacarons #espressochocolatemacarons #macaronsforfriends #macaronsforfamily #macaronsforspecialoccasions #mindfulness