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Mother's Day


to all the women

who are or wish to be moms

Happy Mother’s Day


Sweet Sixteen Birthday 


a coming of age

blossoming before our eyes

happy sweet sixteen


Vegetable Stock


 light and refreshing 
taste transcends the everyday 
elixir of food


Cheese Bread for Soup and Soul


smell so comforting 

fills my soul with happiness

baked with meraki


time spent together

memories for a lifetime

baked with meraki


Birthday Cake Macaron Haiku


where has the time gone

it seems just like yesterday

you entered our life


Macarons for a Life Celebration


we miss their presence

but memories of love ones

brings smiles to our face


Pecan Ball Haiku


piled high with sugar

like a snow covered mountain

Christmas time is near


Strawberry & Cream Macaron Haiku


strawberries sweetness

cream so thick luxurious

macaron delight


Lemon Tart Haiku


lemon's tart sweetness

meringue so light and fluffy

summertime delight


Hot Cross Bun Haiku


Smell the aroma

Soft delicious brioche bun

Easter tradition


Valentine's Day Haiku


a gift of your time

to show appreciation

for those you just love


Birthday Haiku


heart shaped macarons

for a special girl's birthday

how could I resist


Rosewater Raspberry Macarons 


floral scent of spring

short season of raspberries

impermanent life



Christmas macaron haiku


peppermint candy

white chocolate, smooth and creamy

Christmas tradition



 Strawberry Lemon Macarons


Strawberries sweetness

Meyer lemon spicy, herbal

The perfect flavor



Key Lime Pie Haiku


refreshing sea breeze

rhythmic waves crash to the beat

beach vibe macaron


Summer Haiku


sun rise in the east

cool refreshing ocean breeze

to beat summers heat


Kintsugi Haiku


Shattered and scattered

pieces lying here and there

mended, healed with love



Mother's Day Haiku


from inside her womb

she gave birth to who I am

nature's renewal



Matcha & Koshian


tastes so savory

deliciousness in each bite

yummy umami




Anko Haiku


azuki red beans

seems so strange in a dessert

sweet and savory



Macaron Journey Begins


Annabelle is one

French macarons are all done

time to celebrate



A Valentine Haiku


strawberries are red
chocolate so dark and rich
how can you resist



Haiku for Cooper


walking through the woods

a companion by my side

worries fade away



Friendship Haiku


people come and go

friends will share our life’s journey

they brighten our day



Blood Orange Haiku


Dark mysterious 

Sweet and bitter in one bite

Taste delights my tongue



Sumac Haiku


bright red berries ground

sour lemony taste surprise

spice to curl your tongue



Wedding Gift Haiku


wedding gifts perplex

crystal, china, or silver

macarons are best!



Lavender Haiku


Tall and slender spikes

Sway gracefully in the wind

Elegant fragrance



Bride-to-be Haiku


excitement building

wedding on the horizon 

happy bride to be



Sunshine surprise


sunshine peaking through 

lavender clouds thick and dark

Bright yellow surprise



Hot pepper jelly haiku


Hot pepper jelly

just like a late summer day

Warmth envelops you




Lavender Honey haiku


lavender honey

so pleasing to the senses 

taste so refreshing



Sunshine Haiku


sun up in the sky

bright light fills the summer day

warmth spreads all around



Little Bit's haiku


growing and glowing

little bit is on her way

flower blossoming



Marionberry Haiku


tart earthy flavor

taste that pleases my palate

perfect macaron



Unicorn Haiku


pure and gentle truth

seen only by the chosen

unicorn magic



Thanksgiving Haiku


spices fill the air

this season of thanksgiving

holiday flavors



Dark Chocolate Haiku


her eyes, deep and dark

as a sea of chocolate 

cast a spell on me



Santa Haiku


Santa Clause is near

presents for good boys and girls

what will he bring me



Zen and Macarons 


one step at a time 

concentration and silence 

thoughts of those I love



Haiku for Addison


where has the time gone

once so small, now blossoming

a beautiful rose



Valentine's Day Haiku


love mysterious

warms you like the morning sun

casts its spell on you



Anko Haiku


azuki red beans

seems so strange in a dessert

sweet and savory








MarionMacarons specializes in delicious macarons and pastries. 

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Oxford, MS 

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